Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Creating Culture, Amazing Race Style: Telluride, Day 3

So, I first should apologize for the delay in posting this entry. Yesterday was quite the whirlwind. It started off with a great keynote speaker, some lunch and a yummy sweet snack of European popovers in the cute little courtyard. It was a beautiful morning in Telluride and although I was completely soaking up the amazingness of this mountain town resort , it was the afternoon that I looked forward to. Yesterday marked the arrival of the highly anticipated "Culture Experience" I had been nervously anticipating over the last few weeks.

And let me tell you...it was a doozy, people.

 Those who registered for this particular track had a specific sticker on their registration badge, so we had some idea that we were going to be grouped. Mine was tiger-like, so naturally when I walked into the space where I was supposed to report to, I looked for something that gave me a hint of what I was supposed to do next. I found where I belonged fairly quickly:

Once our group assembled we learned it was indeed a activity that involved challenges, clues, and teamwork. Our first charge was to vote in a Captain to lead the group, which ended up being me(go figure) . Then came our team name. Playing off the tiger-theme, we chose "UpROARious". After getting introductions out of the way, came the real "challenge". Out team would chose team values we thought were applicable to our group and we would carry with us as we completed each activity at a specific station (there were eight), IT was timed, but not competitive, something that I was concerned about. After a few basic instructions, the organizers sent us on our way. We were off!

I don't want to go into the challenges too deeply, but I assure you it was an amazing race. We had to spell words with our bodies, throw frisbees into baskets, lead team members through minefields (not a real one!), rock climb, complete a marble race, make our way (several times) through a giant bouncy obstacle course, and play card games. Each challenge included a twist - calling on the individuals in the group to problem-solve, lead, and encourage others so that we worked as a cohesive team to complete each activity.

But wait...there's more.

The eighth station was called the "Courage Challenge". What greeted us as we walked in the room included a tank of worms, mice, a tarantula, a boa constrictor, and a black box with a hole in it. This challenge required us to pull cards that identified each of the critters. We then had to reach in each container and root around for our "tiger" poker chip buried in and around the creepy crawlies. I got the worm card, which was pretty appropriate because I have a real problem with worms, thanks to Elvira. But I was able to fight my urge to cry long enough to successfully pull our chip out. With encouragement, all of my fellow team members did the same.

As I mentioned, there was a beautiful snake. I barely could contain myself before eagerly placing her over my shoulders. As you can see, I was a pretty happy girl:

We came together with the other teams at the end of the day - exhausted but exhilarated. It was an amazing race, indeed! I have to say, even though I was the chosen "leader" I felt fortunate to have been placed among such an amazing group of people. Each person took initiative, encouraged others, and shined with their own strengths when the team needed them the most. Our team learned that our natural ability to come together to embrace common goals and core values as partners in this exercise of trust, initiative, leadership and empowerment created a very specific CULTURE. A group of people who truly represent their core values and mission will create the environment that sets the tone for the organization they represent ... and owns it.

Although I will feel the effects of the incredible adventure I experienced yesterday for the next several days, I am so appreciative to have participated in such an outstanding learning opportunity with nine others. People that started off strangers, but remain in my heart in memory as those I was fortunate to stand with and learn from.

And for that, I will always be grateful.

Stay UpROARious, team!


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