Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Do I have to?! Conferences, Workshops and the Like

I never really understood why people get all goofy about going to library events. I suppose it is time consuming. It usually costs money. And there are times when someone may not think it is worth their time.

"Do I have to?"

"What if there isn't anything GOOD being offered?"

"I don't think there is anything new I a can learn about libraries that I don't already know."

"You want me to take notes?!"

 So let me tell you why you should go.

Because it is IMPORTANT to your professional development.

In times of economic hardship and employment shortages, it can sometimes be hard to justify why someone should shell out the $25, $75, or $125 for a conference. Sometime much, much more. But the library world is a big place. It is diverse and changes constantly. The job market is extremely competitive. It is so important that you keep yourself updated on the latest and greatest in all things library related. It makes the most sense to immerse yourself in any opportunity to further your professional career - no matter if you shelve books, work the circulation desk or are a librarian. Continuing education is your best bet to get a leg up on the competition.

Side note: Yes, I am saying you are and should be working your ass off everyday for your library job. Don't ever let people think you have a a nice quiet little uneventful job that is resistant to massive shake ups. Because that is when a crazy departmental reorganization or managerial shift may hit and before you know it, it turns into full blown zombie apocalypse happens, with head hunting or brain eating ensues and survival of the fittest kicks in. Then what would you do? Just sayin'...

There is a lot of apprehension associated with becoming more involved and vested in your chosen profession. So if you are one of those who never felt the need or desire to attend something library related, there are a few things I would like to share with you that might change your mind or make you feel more comfortable about expanding your horizons - stepping out of your library box - giving you the best shot at being a more worldly representative of your library...and yourself. Bonus, right?! Here we go....

It is going to cost money. There are lots and lots and lots of free online webinars, podcasts, and online classes. They can be pre-recorded and watched at your leisure which gives you the ability to schedule around it. Large conferences tend to have discounted rates to paid members, but even MORE cool, they offer scholarships. Apply for them! And a little tid-bit of info you may not know: sometimes organizations have more scholarships than applicants, so they are practically throwing them out there. Take advantage of it!

It is going to be boring. Really?! You don't want to go because you think you will be bored? There isn't any good sessions that apply to your job? You already know EVERYTHING so you can't possibly learn anything new??   *SIGH*   Puhleez. Library conferences are not just about the content and the free food. There are networking opportunities. Some of the most important things I learned did not come from a Power Point, but from my peers. Just socializing in that environment gives you the connections you need when you are back at your desk and need the expertise of a fellow library professional. Their experience and knowledge are an invaluable resource. Tap it.

It is going to be something you already know. Oh, really? So maybe you should be the one up there teaching it! Yeah, I am serious. I don't know how many times I have heard others say, "I already know this." or, "Actually, there is more to it." Lend your time and knowledge to the content of a conference or workshop. Know a new and better way to do something? Present it to a group of your peers. Worked on a really cool project with your co-workers and had fun doing it? Arrange for a panel of you to talk to a group of librarians. Write an article, create a display for a poster session, volunteer for a committee...start a blog. Share.

It is going to do nothing for my career. Wrong! Taking initiative, showing an interest in continuing your professional development, wanting to be something bigger than yourself ...now that is library-sexy. It tells others you are motivated and passionate about what you do and how you do it. And it gets you noticed! People will recognize you as a forward thinker and will go to you for guidance and seek you out when they need answers. Believe me, its true. Employers love it because it make them look great too...it gets your name out in the library community, it puts your library on the radar as one which encourages and nurtures individuals who want to better themselves. And that is a great thing.

I guess I would argue that no, you do not have to attend any sort of library events, conferences, workshops or online webinars if you do not want to. I can tell you from personal experience that by taking a proactive initiative and volunteering to go to these events, to ask to go to others, and applying for those scholarships - I have expanded my Library Lady horizons immensely, participated in events and committees that have taught me worlds of library information, and helped catapult me into a leadership role before I knew it. It has been invaluable to my career...and I haven't looked back once. Libraries are where I belong...!

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